Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Haven't had too much time these past days (who knew being an unemployed hobo meant so much paperwork and meetings 'n shit), but I did a couple of really quick sketches on the lower body last night. A guy at 3DT suggested just screwing the legs and going for this sort of mechanical lower body as it would make the whole thing as well as the silhouette more interesting, and I agree. Fuck legs.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dominance War 5 - update 03

Just a quick pop in to show you the wip sculpt of the dudes head. Already getting good progress on the low poly modeling, more on that later.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dominance War 5 - update 02

Here's about what I'll do as far as the concept goes. I sketched in a couple of weapons, as the whole flag standard thing was fucking boring me to tears. Think I'll go for the shotgun one, either that or the incredibly original and creative uranium crowbar. Thinking a ranged weapon would be logical since he already has that claw thingy for close up skull cracking.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dominance War 5 - update 01

Just finished the base geometry for the mechanical arm. Might change it up some when I come to texturing, and there are some parts I'll probably have to change to reduce the polygon count (currently at 1080 triangles).

Dominance War 5 - Warmup

So, its that time of year again. The main competition begins at Jan 5th, but the warmup mini comp is already going on. Real strict rules this year, as the theme is Dom War MMO character, which in turn means you have pretty strict texture and poly count restrictions. The rules are:
- No normal maps or bump maps, only diffuse, spec and glow maps allowed
- 3000 triangle poly maximum
- Texture size limit is 1024 for each map type

Hand painting textures is not something I have extensive experience with, so this will probably be the most difficult part of the whole thing for me. That and the whole reference painting. Needless to say I'm no concept artist.

I'll have plenty of time for this one though, as I don't really have a job these days. More details on this as soon as I'm properly out of that place. Lets just say that the details are proper juicy, so much so that I probably wont have the opportunity to divulge them all on the intarnets.

So expect regular updates on both Dom War and showreel junk in the coming weeks and months.

Todays post is evidence #1 to prove that I really aint no concept artist. Open your mouth baby, here it comes.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Ok, here's just a quick doodle I did a short while ago during my lunch brake at work. Nothing special, just trying desperately to get back into shape before Dominance War V starts. Precomp starts tomorrow, the real deal Holifield some time in January. They're also doing some intro cinematic thing with help from the GA community, which I may or may not do some small jobs for.

More on why I'll have time for all that later.