Friday, December 17, 2010

Dominance War 5 - mini submitted

Ok, so last night, or this morning really, I submitted the "final" entry to the DomWar Mini. The reason for the air quotes being that it was far from finished, and the layout of the submission plate looks like crap. Most of my old teachers would gang up and kick the crap out of me if they saw this.. That's what happens if you start setting up renders and layouts 3 minutes before submission deadlines. No, seriously.

Here they are:

A lot of great entries this time, especially the Polycount guys are kicking ass and taking names this year. My prediction is that Bogdan something from PC will end up taking this one home. His entry was seriously wicked awesome.

I'll do a post on what I learned from working with game assets as opposed to film, which is more my background, soon.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dominance War 5 - update 04

Sorry, it been a while. I was so graciously called back to work for a couple of days to wash the toilets and lift stuff, which is the reason for the lack of updates. Here is a quick block out of the base colors for the texture.

The competition itself though, seems to be in a somewhat unstable state at the moment. The dude that runs the forum hosting the competition just added a part to the EULA for submitting entries, which states that he is allowed to sell both image entries and models for "creating sustaining revenue for the forum". Needless to say this is shifty at best, and there is a huge uproar from all but the GameArtisans crowd (the hosting forum). The submission site has been pulled down for the time being, so it will be interesting to see how this ends up.