Saturday, May 26, 2012

Quick sculpt 05.25.2012

Found myself with an hour to spare, so I did some more work on the last one I posted. Hands and ears still in a very rough state. Might take this one all the way through the pipe, it's growing on me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Speed sculpt 05.22.2012

Quick torso sculpt i did this morning while waiting for the lady from the fire department to come investigate my fire hose. Insert joke.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Speed sculpt 05.18.2012

Quick ditty I did this morning before work, trying to get some creature stuff done as I have basically no experience doing non humanoid designs. About an hour of messing around with different shapes, nothing special but figured I'd try to post more of these early morning speeds.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Hulk

So, guess what movie I went to see last night? :)

The Avengers, while also containing plenty of other great VFX work from among others ILM, has work by one of my favorite artists, Kris Costa. His work on the Hulk and the huge worm thing was seriously amazing. We got to see a 4k projection in stereo, which is absolutely the way to go if you have the possibility. Loved the movie, go see it. Or we're no longer friends.

I also went straight home and started to play around in zbrush with making my own Hulk model. This is where I left off, but I'll certainly keep on working on this later.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Speed sculpt 05.03.2012

Quick sculpt I did this morning to warm up for a days work, took about an hour or so. Trying to crank one of these out in about that timeframe each morning, hoping for the old "practice makes perfect" thing to kick in. Any day now...