Monday, January 17, 2011

Reelshot - Basemesh : RPG

So, today was the official base mesh day here at the bunker. It's taken a little time to ween me off of 3DS Max after using that at work for a couple of years, but man is it good to be back in Maya. It's like going from from fucking notepad to MS Word. All of the sudden there is all sorts of fonts, colored text and clipart and shit.

Here is a work in progress of the basemesh for the RPG I posted the concept for a couple of posts ago. Still missing the sights and the locking mechanism for the backdraft section (the tapered part at the back end of the launcher).

I'll probably end up copying the locking bolt from the Carl Gustav RFK, since that is a piece of tech I am very familiar with. I have sort of a love/hate relationship with that thing from back in the army; it is a great piece of tank busting equipment, but it weighs a fucking shit ton and trust me, after lugging around that guy for a couple of weeks straight you really feel like showing all 84mm's of the business end of that thing in your mouth and blowing your fucking head off.

Ah, those were the days..

Well, according to the production plan I never got around to posting, I'm supposed to start sculpting the character model tomorrow, so I better get cracking on the base mesh for that. I guess there still is no sleep for the wicked. Or the unemployed.


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