Thursday, September 18, 2008

Scetch September 18th

Ok, so as both a way to regularize my practice sessions and to actually get a more frequent inflow of shit to this blog of mine, I'm going to start doing daily (sorta daily at least) sculpting scetches and put them on here. As you can tell from the date of my last entry, I'm like the worlds worst blogger, but then again, I've been really busy lately with uninteresting work and haven had a lot of time to really do any sculpts. Besides, I'm not going to end up as some stupid ass twitterer that needs to tell everyone what he had for dinner.

This one is about a 2 hour thing I did, its nothing great but I wanted to start practice doing sculpts without reference material or detailed base meshes, so as to start imprinting the human form and proportions on my brain.

Plus, a good friend of mine just told me that he checks in on the blog on a regular basis, so I guess I've got to start adding some new stuff for him to check out. That puts my current amount of followers at 1. Yey!


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